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Blog Home Inkjet Printing UV Jettable Primer Perks
Inkjet Printing, Inkjet InkFebruary 15, 2022

UV Jettable Primer Perks

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When it comes to primer, there are three main methods: wipe, sprayable, and the increasingly popular- jettable. But what does that really mean? What is the difference between a primer that is sprayed on versus a primer that is jetted? This article will explore the ins and outs of the jettable primer process as well as UV jettable primer perks, specific primers that are jettable, and how to get started.

*As of September 21, 2022 DigiBond has been discontinued. Find all of our current digital primers here.

UV Jettable Primer- What is it all about?

Jettable primers have four main advantages:

  1. Speedier production time
  2. Cost savings
  3. Consumable savings- only use what you need
  4. Limits chemical exposure


With each creation of a new substrate(s) specific ink we improve stand alone adhesion properties. However, the addition of a primer to the printing process need not be thought of as a nuisance but rather a side kick to ensure top quality adhesion as well as abrasion resistance.

Prior to jettable primers, one could wipe primer on a substrate, or spray it. Wipe on primer is as simple as it sounds, a person would manually wipe a lint-free towel with primer onto the vessel. This method is simple yet requires manpower and is time consuming. Spray on primers, such as that administered by the MagiCoat® Pre-Treatment System is a two-part process. The system houses a flame treatment system as well as a spraying system for primers. This is a separate unit from the UV digital printing machine.

Jettable primers are applied to the vessel much like any other colored ink. Much like ink, UV jettable primers are jetted to specific areas on a vessel, which will later be printed on. UV jettable primer can be administered by an additional print head. Inkcups offers primers in liter sizes, which is then poured into a bulk ink reservoir. The print head jetting primer will need to be accompanied by an additional UV-LED light source to cure the primer prior to the additional colored inks being printed.

Jettable primers are the perfect solution for any business looking to eliminate the step of manual primer application. Not only does this reduce your overall cycle speed per piece, but it contains the chemical application in line and out of the hands of the operator. Companies looking to decrease employee exposure to chemicals by physically touching and applying primer on the daily basis should seek out UV jettable primers.

Jettable Primers available at Inkcups

Inkcups offers three primers that are jettable: DigiBond, PowerBond, and J Primer. Let’s explore the specific substrates each was created for.



A recent addition to the Inkcups primer line is PowerBond primer which could be used as a sprayable primer, compatible with the MagiCoat Pre-Treatment System or as a jettable primer. It was created to promote adhesion to powder coated and metal substrates.





Released at the same time as PowerBond, DigiBond is another primer which can be administered either sprayable or jettable, is compatible with the MagiCoat Pre-Treatment System, and will promote adhesion to powder coated substrates.

*DigiBond has been discontinued. Please see other primers available. 


J Primer


J Primer is a primer that is jettable for rubber coated metals and rubberized plastic substrates.  Otherwise known as a soft-touch primer it will promote adhesion and increase abrasion resistance.





Common Applications for Jettable Primers

Jettable primers are often used with coated or painted metal tumblers. Depending on the intended design, a primer of jettable nature can be jetted to as small or as large of area as required. For instance, a tumbler with a simple logo may only need primer directly under the logo whereas a tumbler utilizing the full coverage capabilities of the Helix® will require full coverage jetted primer as well.

If you think jettable primers is a good fit for your business contact Inkcups by phone at 978-646-8980, email us at [email protected], or visit our Contact Us page where you can filter and find the closest Inkcups office and representative near you.

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