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Blog Home Inkjet Ink Vivid White Ink Now Lives Longer and Offers More Opacity
Inkjet Ink, Product UpdateOctober 12, 2021

Vivid White Ink Now Lives Longer and Offers More Opacity

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Vivid White UV curable ink

Global printing industry leader Inkcups announces that the company’s Vivid White, the brightest digital white ink on the market, now has a longer shelf life and is also 20 percent more opaque than its original formula. The company reformulated the ink to offer 50 percent more opacity than its competitors and a longer shelf life of up to 12 months.

Launched last year as the newest addition to Inkcups’ highly regarded S1 UV Ink Series, the Vivid White ink was originally reproduced to offer the brightest whites available in the industry. After a year on the market and receiving customer feedback, Inkcups updated the formula to meet additional needs of its customers. The new formula is still the ideal ink that can print a vivid white on dark substrates but with a stronger opacity for multi-colored graphics to enhance the colors of artwork and make them appear more vibrant. With a higher opacity, Vivid White will allow the true colors of the graphic to show on dark substrates, ensuring color matching is consistent across all products. Additionally, a longer storage life gives customers long-lasting use of the ink.

“When we launch new products, we always listen to our customers for ways to make it even better, whether it’s a unique customization or an entirely new design. With our reformulated Vivid White, customers can expect a strikingly new difference in superior printing quality over dark items with its high opacity percentage, and with an updated longevity, make use of the ink even more,” said Mark Barrett, VP of Engineering. “We hope our customers appreciate these adjustments and we will always work hard to exceed their printing supply requirements.”

Aside from these updates, all other attributes of the Vivid White remain the same. A few of these include its exceptional adhesion capabilities and how it meets the same rigorous adhesion and compliance standards as others in the S1 Ink Series family. One exceptional attribute is that Vivid White is a pour-over for printers using the company’s S1 ink, which eliminates the need for customers to flush their machines when switching to this white ink. It can also be used in other printers where improved white opacity is needed.

Vivid White is ideally suited for a variety of substrates including stainless steel, coated metals, plastic and more. It can also print on a wide selection of flat and cylindrical objects. Applications include drinkware, injection molded housings, promotional items, electronics and more. The ink is also fully compatible with the wide range of Inkcups digital printers.

The new Vivid White digital ink is formulated and manufactured in the U.S. and available for order now.

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