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Blog Home Tagless Printing Inkcups Receives GOTS Certification on Inks in SB Eco Series Line
Tagless PrintingApril 26, 2022

Inkcups Receives GOTS Certification on Inks in SB Eco Series Line

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Danvers, Mass. – April 26, 2022 – Global printing industry leader Inkcups announces that four of its inks from the SB Eco Series Eco-Friendly pad printing ink line received the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) Certification after a rigorous testing process. The four inks are: SB Eco Cool Grey 3, SB Eco PMS Dark Blue 295, SB Eco Black 165, and the SB Eco Superwhite. 

The SB Eco Series Eco-Friendly pad printing ink line is held to high standards related to sustainability while also satisfying some of the strictest industry compliance testing requirements, including Eco-Passport, CLP/GHS (EC 1272/2008), EN 71-3, Reach (EC 1907/2006), RoHS, and ISO DIS 6330. This line was created specifically with sustainability in mind while reducing potentially harmful chemicals and being free of Naphtha, PAH, and Cyclohexanone.

The GOTS certification defines requirements to ensure textiles and the like are organic, from collecting raw materials to labeling to provide credible assurance to the customer. This standard was established by the International Working Group on Global Organic Textile Standard, an international group of stakeholder organizations and experts. GOTS consists of strict and binding requirements pertaining to ecological and social parameters. One of the main goals of GOTS is to give consumers insight into completely transparent supply chains with products that are truly organic throughout.

“We are thrilled to have four inks from our SB Eco Series line now GOTS-certified,” said Ben Adner, CEO of Inkcups. “Sustainability and the environment will always be priorities at Inkcups so we’re very proud of this achievement.”

“Over the past year and a half, I have worked tirelessly to achieve the highly coveted GOTS Certification on the four inks. I am so proud to see Inkcups pass this strenuous test,” said Joseph Shairs, Product Manager and Compliance Officer of Inkcups. “We strive to offer innovative solutions to eliminate waste and better the environment when applicable, so this is a win for us at Inkcups.”

As a company, Inkcups has made a pledge to sustainability and set standards to uphold. To learn more, please click here. To learn about the SB Eco Series Eco-Friendly pad printing ink line and GOTS certification, please click here.

About Inkcups

Inkcups is a leading supplier and manufacturer of digital inkjet equipment, pad printing equipment, laser platemakers and corresponding supplies, with direct sales, technical support and warehouse locations in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany, Hong Kong and other global locations. Inkcups manufactures high-quality industrial machines for a wide range of industries, including apparel, drinkware, promotional, electronic, medical, sporting goods and automotive markets.

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