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Blog Home Inkjet Printing ColorBoost: A Rotary UV Printer Must Have
Inkjet PrintingMarch 7, 2023

ColorBoost: A Rotary UV Printer Must Have

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What are the top influential factors when it comes to acquiring a new rotary UV printer? Would it be safe to say that price, speed, and quality of print are all top contenders? Often speed and quality are a trade off when it comes to digitally printed images. Consider this trade off a thing of the past with ColorBoost, enabling faster rotary UV printers.

Characteristics of Rotary UV Printers

Rotary UV printers decorate cylindrical vessels that are either straight walled or tapered. Full color, CMYKWW + varnish images dazzle the walls of drinkware and cylindrical objects alike when printed with a UV printer. Paired with UV inks specially formulated to promote adhesion on different substrates, and cured with a UV lamp, UV rotary printers pose a huge threat to other printing methods due to its near instant dry time, quality, and stand alone adhesion properties. Inkcups offers the complete solution to printing on glass and plastic should additional pre-treatment be required.


Enter ColorBoost, with a dedicated head per color, a machine equipped with ColorBoost, can print 12 pass quality in 6 pass mode or 8 pass quality in 4 pass mode. Industry standard is 192 nozzles, but with ColorBoost there are 384 nozzles each for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black.

With ColorBoost enjoy high quality prints at fast speeds!

Helix® Line Equipped with ColorBoost

Helix Plus UV cylinder printer by InkcupsEquipped with proprietary system ColorBoost, the Helix® line is faster than ever before. Achieve both the best image quality in the industry, and at faster speeds with ColorBoost.

The Helix® and Double Helix® have undergone significant upgrades and are now joined by the Helix®+. The Helix®+ is unique in the fact it can grow with your operations. Starting as a single tunnel machine, the Helix®+ can later be upgraded to a double tunnel machine.

Advancements to the Helix® line include a sleek design, faster speeds, and new features. One of those features being ColorBoost. For the full details of advances made to the Helix® line read: Inkcups Announces Faster Helix® 2.0.  Contact us today for more information.



For more information on the entire line of cylindrical printer offerings by Inkcups please visit: Cylindrical Inkjet Printers.

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